
2012-09-18 651℃

内容提要:1、Growing up means you know what is going on. Grown up is that you mean to say you dont kn...

1、Growing up means you know what is going on. Grown up is that you mean to say you don’t know but you do know.

2、A friend is easier lost than found.

3、Life is always about ups and downs. You won’t always be at the top, but you won’t always be at the bottom too.

4、Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful.

5、For something,we can’t understand when we are young but by the time we understand,we are no longer young.

6、A broken heart is like getting shampoo in your eyes. It feels for a while like you’ll never see again, but after a few tears you get over it.

7、We will give up the whole world for each other coz we are the whole world for one another.

8、Lies will be crushed one day.

9、When someone abandons you, it is him that gets loss , because he lost someone who truly loves him , but you just lost one who doesn’t love you.

10、I feel at ease as long as you are with me.

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