
2013-04-02 646℃

内容提要:1、First impression of you is most lasting.对你最初的印象,久久难以忘怀。2、Enjoy your youth. Youll never b...

1、First impression of you is most lasting.

2、Enjoy your youth. You’ll never be younger than you are at this moment.

3、Everybody makes mistakes, that’s why they put erasers on the end of pencils.

4、Never give up your right to be wrong, because then you will lose the ability to learn new things and move forward with your life.

5、Start everyday with a new hope, leave bad memories behind and have faith for a better tomorrow.

6、If you’re stressed, you get pimples. If you cry, you get wrinkles. So just smile and get dimples.

7、Making a million friends is not a miracle. The miracle is to make a friend who will stand by you when millions are against you.

8、The place which the ideal is in, the hell maybe a heaven. The place which hope is in, the pain may becomes happiness.

9、More powerful than the will to win is the courage to begin.

10、Can’t decide, let the time to help you decide. If still can’t decide, do besides. Would rather make mistakes, leaving no regret.

11、Life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking outward together in the same direction.

12、If you catch yourself working hard and loving every minute of it, don’t stop. You’re on to something big.

13、Life never stops pushing forward. Stay focused and never slow down with regrets. Smile, forgive, forget, and keep moving!

14、Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice, it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.

15、When you feel that the whole world is betraying you, please believe she just turns around to brew a more beautiful hug for you.

16、There is no need to envy those of others, because you’ll get them through hard working; there is no need to show off something of you, because others will get them in the same way.

17、When you fish for love, bait with your heart, not your brain.

18、Home is where your history begins. Home is where they catch you when you fall.

19、The way to love anything is to realize that it might be lost.

20、And in the end the greatest thief of all is Time.

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