
2015-03-10 653℃

内容提要:  美剧《纸牌屋》第三季已在Nexfilx播出,相信国内的纸牌迷们已在贴吧云盘的指引下找到了观看途径。这部根据同名小说改编的政治剧已走过了三年时光,深刻记得当年第一季播出时,微博上...

  美剧《纸牌屋》第三季已在Nexfilx播出,相信国内的纸牌迷们已在贴吧云盘的指引下找到了观看途径。这部根据同名小说改编的政治剧已走过了三年时光,深刻记得当年第一季播出时,微博上众多文人争相推荐,那时的微博还未被娱乐八卦占据,还能嗅到各路公知大V的激情。看剧时一边感叹美国政客手段,同时也深深被其中高冷毋近的台词所折服。男主角Frank Underwood犹如来自伊甸园的毒蛇,巧舌如簧,翻云覆雨,紧紧咬住所有人的弱点,以实现自己的目的。下文特别挑选《纸牌屋》第三季中Frank的霸气腹黑台词。


  I'll tell you this though, pop. When they bury me, it won't be in my

  backyard. And when they pay their respects, they'll have to wait in




  I don't want a version. I want a vision. Speaking as the president,who chose this team and for whom it works,I want five hundred billion dollars to put ten million people to work.I don't care how much it hurts.I don't care how controversial it is.Your job is to find a way.It's my job to convince Congress and the American people.Your job is not to sell me on your version of my program.

  我不要折中,我要大展宏图。作为总统,我选择了这支团队,你们为我工作。我要拿到五千亿美元,给一千万民众工作。我不管这多让人肉疼,我不管这有多具争议性,你们的职责 就是找出办法你们的职责,就是找出办法,说服国会和美国人民是我的工作,你们的工作不是向我推销你们的妥协方案。


  What is the face of a coward? The back of his head as he runs from the battle.



  Mr. Mahmoud, you may hate me. But here's the reality. I must make decisions every day that I hope are just. I don't know right from wrong all the time. I wish I did.But what I can't be is indecisive.



  Do you really want to discuss courage, Claire? Because anyone can commit suicide, or spout their mouth in front of a camera. But you wanna know what takes real courage? Keeping your mouth shut, no matter what you might be feeling. Holding it all together when the stakes are this high.



  They (who) seek to establish systems of government based on the regimentation of all human beings by a handful of individual rulers. . . call this a new order. It is not new and it is not order.

  —Franklin Delano Roosevelt




  It's good to have dreams, just so long as they're not fantasies.

  You let anybody sell you that shit, it's your own damn fault.



  Jessie- I’m not comfortable with the dynamic we've established.

  Frank- What dynamic is that?

  Jessie- The leash you have me on. How I'm supposed to roll over and do any trick you want. You're taking me for granted.

  Frank - What, am I supposed to be, uh...appreciative of your lackluster enthusiasm? How fortunate I am to have you "Sort of" on my team? You're not "Happy" with our dynamic? Well, I'm not happy with your attitude. If anything, you're taking me for granted.

  We had a deal, Jackie. And I am perfectly willing to hold up my end of the bargain. But do not be under any illusions. This is not a partnership of equals. Nothing close to it. If you are to be my Vice President, you will do what I ask. And we will not have this conversation every time you feel uncomfortable with what I ask you to do, or how I choose to conduct myself. That's our dynamic.

  Frank- I'm never gonna win if I have to spend my time explaining myself to my subordinates. The only brand of that I accept is unconditional.








  You have always known that from the very beginning. And if you now can't stomach that,well, then I'm a fool for having married you in the first place. But I don't have time to be a fool. I have to run this country and win a nomination. I'm doing my job. Doug is out there doing his job. And it's time now for you to do yours.

  You want me to take charge? Fine. I will take charge. You will get on that plane tomorrow. You will come to New Hampshire. You will smile and shake hands and kiss babies. And you will stand with me on a stage. And you will be the First Lady! And you do all that. I don't give a damn if you vomit on your own time.

  你从一开始就知道这个,如果现在你接受不了这个,那我还真是个蠢货,当初居然娶了你。但我没时间做蠢货,我得治理国家 赢得选举。我在做我的工作,道格在做他的工作,你也该做你的工作了。

  你要我掌控你吗?可以啊!明天给我上飞机,跟我去新罕布什尔州,给我微笑 跟人握手 亲亲小孩子,在讲台上站在我旁边,给我做你的第一夫人,你要是都做到了,私下里你可以随便恶心。


  When we lose... because of you...there will be nothing. No plan. No future. We will only be has-beens. And you want to amount to something? Well, here is the brutal fucking truth. And you can hate me, you can be disgusted, you can feel whatever it is you wanna feel because frankly, I'm beyond caring. But without me, you are nothing.


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