
2014-07-22 616℃

内容提要:  1.What you want, what you really need, is a story. A story can be true or false. I leave...

  1.What you want, what you really need, is a story. A story can be true or false. I leave such judgments to you, inspector.


  2.A man seemingly without a conscience, for whom the ends always justify the means.


  3.You knew that one day it'd be you or him.


  4.It is not my sword, but your past that disarmed you.是你的过去,让你失去了抵抗的能力,而不是我的剑。

  5.We do what we should have been doing.


  6.We are being buried beneath the avalanche of your inadequacies, Mr.Creedy!


  7.The problem is that he knows us better than we know ourselves.


  8.Then it's really going to happen,isn't it?


  It will if you want it to.


  9.No. No more tricks. No more lies. Only truth.


  10.And the truth is,you made me understand that I was wrong...


  11.And tomorrow, a different world will begin!


  12.Jesus bloody Christ.


  13.Spare the rod, spoil the child.


  14.That with devotiors visage and pious action. we do sugar o'er the devil himself.


  15.Gentlemen, this is a test. Moments such as these are matters of faith. To fail is to invite doubt into everything we believe. everything we have fought for. Doubt will plunge this country back into chaos, and I will not let that happen.


  16.Our job is to report the news, not fabricate it. That's the government's job.


  17.I do, like many of you, appreciate, the comforts of the everyday routine, the security of the familiar, the tranquility of repetition. I enjoy them as much as any bloke.

  我跟你们很多人一样,欣赏规律生活的舒适... ..熟悉面孔所带来的安全感 以及日复一日的平静 我跟任何一个人都一样享受。

  18.Certainly there are those, who are more responsible than others. And they will be held accountable. But again, truth be told, if you're looking for the guilty....you need only look into a mirror.


  19.- You did what you thought was right.

  - No, I shouldn't have done that.

  - 你做了你觉得正确的事情。

  - 不,我不应该那样做的。

  20.Why did I do that? I must have been out of my mind.


  Is that what you really think, or what they'd want you to think?


  21.I didn't know what else to do.


  22.I'll tell you what I wish. I wish I'd been there. I wish I'd had the chance for a face-to-face. Just one chance, that's all I'd need.


  23.When you're at this as long as I've been, you stop believing in coincidence.


  24.I'm sorry, Evey.


  No, I'm the one that's sorry. Sorry I'm not a stronger person. Sorry I'm not like my parents. I wish I was. but I'm not. I wish I wasn’t afraid all the time, but I am.


  25.I know this world is screwed up. Believe me, I know it better than most. Which is why I wanted to ask, if there is anything I can do to help make it right, please let me know.


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