
2015-05-26 623℃

内容提要:  《国务卿女士》是一部由美国CBS电视台于2014年新推出的美国政治剧,主要讲述的是主人公Elizabeth McCord临危受命担任国务卿之后的工作与生活。该剧的顾问之一是美国...

  《国务卿女士》是一部由美国CBS电视台于2014年新推出的美国政治剧,主要讲述的是主人公Elizabeth McCord临危受命担任国务卿之后的工作与生活。该剧的顾问之一是美国历史上首位女国务卿Madeleine Albright,女主角的原型被认为是Hillary Clinton。


  Quotes from Seanson 1 Episode 1

  Henry: You feel like you’re letting him (指总统) down now?


  Henry: How?

  Elizabeth: By not insisting that he do the right thing.

  Henry: And what’s the right thing?

  Elizabeth: He told me that we could effect real change in the world. That’s what I signed up for.

  Henry: Then you have to figure out a way to take action. Thomas Aquinas (中世纪哲学家托马斯•阿奎纳) said, “If the highest aim of a captain were to preserve his ship, he would leave it in port forever.”


  Quotes from Seanson 1 Episode 7

  Elizabeth: So ... we’re okay with you (Elizabeth的大女儿Stevie) leaving college. Taking a year off.

  Henry: But, in the meantime, you got to stay busy. You got to start looking for a job.

  Elizabeth: Yeah.

  Stevie: What, you mean, like, working in an office? Being a waitress?

  Elizabeth: Well, whatever interests you.

  Stevie: None of it interests me. I’m working on a novel. I was gonna take the time to finish that.

  Elizabeth: Well, you can still write your novel. Everybody needs a day job. Chekhov (契诃夫) was a doctor.


  Quotes from Seanson 1 Episode 7

  Daisy: We’re past salvaging (救援) this. What we can save is your standing (声望). We need to spin (有倾向地陈述) the Hepanza visit.

  Elizabeth: No. I stood with Ted Graham (赫潘扎化工厂的董事长) hours before the blast. No amount of spin is going to ever change that.

  Daisy: Well, at least we can hope to make up for (弥补) your part in it, I mean ...

  Elizabeth: No, the only way to make up for my part in this is to find a solution. My image can wait.


  Quotes from Seanson 1 Episode 9

  Russell: You planning to question the report (指前国务卿Marsh的死亡事故报告)?

  Elizabeth: Of course not. But I’m sitting in Marsh’s seat ... I’m interested in what happened.

  Russell: What happened is in the damn report.

  Elizabeth: You know, someone recently reminded me that I’m fourth in line for the presidency. So you don’t get to come into my office and push me around.

  Russell: And I’m Chief of Staff to the actual president. It’s my job to know everything and to keep peace between all the departments.


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