
2014-11-26 582℃

内容提要:  1. I believe in love and I also believe that love will die. In myeyes, nothing in the wo...

  1. I believe in love and I also believe that love will die. In myeyes, nothing in the world can be achieved only through marriage, but the mostprecious affection between two individuals does grow out of marriage。


  2. People's unhappiness is a result of illiberality derived from aswelling desire。


  3. Laws only protect property rather than relationship。


  4. Divorce is a means of putting an end to an unhappy relationship,while marriage serves the purpose of opening a new chapter of life。


  5. Never give lessons to a man before marriage. You need to do itgradually after marriage。


  6. As a lawyer, we need to say "take care" to newly-weds,while saying "congratulations" to those who just divorced。


  7. If the marriage is an agreement, the promise between the coupleis a contract. Thus, your behavior like this is nothing but a contractual fraud。


  8. You will not meet the right person unless you leave the wrong。


  9. For a woman, there is no need of marriage if she is economicallyindependent. It is much wiser for a woman to invest in herself than in a man。


  10. Dating someone is actually dating with his or her merits,whereas marrying someone is actually marrying his or her demerits。


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