
2012-09-12 621℃

内容提要:1、Dont be concerned with the distance of the journey. Every new step provides a new view; ...

1、Don’t be concerned with the distance of the journey. Every new step provides a new view; every new destination creates new joy. Happiness is in the midst of the journey.

2、Excellence is not an act but a habit. The things you do the most are the things you will do best.

3、To stand in the spotlight of life, one must have experience in the shadows of setbacks.

4、Worrying now will not erase the troubles of tomorrow, but it will take away the courage you have today.

5、Liberate yourself from the past. The only way to move forward is by not looking back.

6、One can choose to step back and be safe, or step forward and grow. Choose the road to growth each time; overcome your fear each time.

7、That which hurts you today, will make you stronger tomorrow.

8、Put in the same position, some will cry, some will laugh, and some will be silent; life is just like that.

9、Don’t change so people would like you. Be yourself & the right people will love the real you.

10、The noisier the world becomes, the more important it is to listen carefully.

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