
2015-05-26 739℃

内容提要:  美籍华裔作家蔡美儿(Amy Chua)的书《虎妈的战歌》   (Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, written by Amy Chua)   ...

  美籍华裔作家蔡美儿(Amy Chua)的书《虎妈的战歌》

  (Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, written by Amy Chua)

  The book was a bestseller in 2011.



  The best investments are those invested in people.



  It is the best investment when you decide to invest in yourself. It is an investment if you buy a new dress or a pair of new shoes, because you can look and feel better by doing so. It is the most meaningful investment for you toinvest in the education for yourself and your children.


  If one does not work hard when they are young, they grow up into idlers.



  All of us may have heard a popular saying: "If one does not work hard when they are young, they will feel sad and regretful in vain when they become old." I think it is necessary to work hard. But there should be one precondition: You must know what you are interested in and what that is worth fighting for. If you are doing something that you dislike or even hate, you just find it a sort of torment no matter how hard you work.


  Nobody indulges you except your family. People do not yield to you because you are pathetic or you look pretty. The world is cruel. You've got to have some real skills, or no one can help you.



  Home is a cozy place for children. Parents should not spoil their children. However,they should not be too hard on their children either. It is OK that parents let their children know how cruel this world can be, but it is more important that they make their children enjoy the warmth of home.


  Free pies could fall. But it's hard to predict if you can eat it or you get killed by it as it falls upon you.



  There is no free lunch in this world, but there are opportunities. Think twice before action.


  A person cannot afford to make too many wrong decisions. Life is vulnerable to pointless struggles. It is especially so for women.



  Everybody says so, but they still may get onto wrong ways. When you are young, it doesn't matter that you experience many struggles. For people who can afford to struggle and try, it's also OK. For the ones who cannot afford to lose in struggles, they must be wise and cautious when making major decisions.


  You can never count on a woman and expect her to take care of the family, support her husband and educate her children. Nobody else but you are the one that is the most reliable person.



  A woman can pursue success for her career and take good care of her husband and children. It is also not a problem for a man to look after his wife and teach his children, as they say, a man who does not spend time with his family is not areal man.


  One can never find true happiness unless they are with their family.



  Make sure that you spend more time with your family.


  There isn't anything that one cannot do. There are only people who cannot get things done.


  It depends. Your willpower matters, but it is not almighty.



  Remember! Reasons and excuses are not your friends. They won't make you a better person.



  For something that you are able to do, you should try your best to get it done, so that you don't have to find reasons or excuses for your failure. As for something that you can't get done,you may ask for help. If you are sure that there is no solution, why bother to do it?

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